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Male Reproductive System

Accessory sex glands

  • Seminal vesicles
    • Secrete thick alkaline fluid
  • Bulbourethral (Cowper’s) glands
    • Add fluids to semen 
  • Prostate gland
    • Secrete thin milky fluid


  • Epididymis
    • Nutrition to sperms, become motile
  • Vas deferens
    • Continuation of tail of epididymis, secondary storage for sperms
  • Ejaculatory ducts
    • Union of ducts of vas deferens and seminal vesicles, opens into prostatic urethra
  • Urethra
    • Male urethra – muscular tube of 18 to 20 cm, conveys urine from internal sphincter to external sphincter
    • Also exit for semen (sperms & glandular secretions)

Supporting structures

  • Spermatic cord
    • Suspend testis in scrotum,  contains vas deferens, vessels & nerves of testis – pass through inguinal canal
  • Scrotum
    • Cuteneous fibromuscular sac
    • Houses testis, epididymis and lower end of spermatic cord
    • Maintains temperature lower than body, necessary for spermatogenesis
  • Penis
    • Male copulatory organ, common outlet for urine & semen


  • Pair of testis - Ovoid bodies suspended by spermatic cords into scrotum
  • Weighs - 25 g
  • 3 layers
    1. Tunica vasculosa (innermost)
    2. Tunica albuginea (middle)
    3. Tunica vaginalis (outermost)

Blood supply

  • Artery – Testicular artery, Br. of abdominal aorta
  • Vein – Pampiniform plexus of veins
  • Lymph nodes – Lumbar & Pre-aortic nodes
  • Nerve – Testicular plexus
  • Testis is divided into many lobules by fibrous septa
  • Lobules contain 2 compartments
    1. Seminiferous tubular compartment
    2. Intestitial compartment

Seminiferous tubular compartment

  • Forms 80-90% of testicular volume
  • Contains seminiferous tubules, which has two parts
    1. Convoluted part
    2. Straight part
  • Terminal straight part is called rete testis and is continuous with epididymis

Histology of seminiferous tubules

  • 3 layers
    1. Tunica propria
    2. Basement membrane
    3. Epithelial layer
      • Germ cells (Spermatogenic cells)
      • Supporting cells or sustenticular cells (Sertoli cells)

Sertoli cells

  • Physical support & nutrition to maturing germ cells
  • Phagocytic function
  • Maintenance of blood-testis barrier
  • Secretory function
    • Mullerian duct inhibitory substance (MIS)
    • Inhibin
    • Androgen-binding protein
    • Oestrogen
    • Transport proteins
    • Plasminogen activator
    • Seminiferous tubular luminar fluid

Interstitial compartment

  • Forms 10-20% of testicular volume
  • Filled by loose connective tissue & Leydig cells
  • Leydig cells have endocrine function of secretion of male sex hormone – testosterone

Functions of Testis

  1. Gametogenic function (Spermatogenesis)
  2. Endocrine function


  • Process of formation of spermatozoa from the primitive germ cells (spermatogonia)
  • Average duration – 74 days
  • At 32 deg. C
  • Occurs in 4 stages
    1. Stage of proliferation
    2. Stage of growth
    3. Stage of maturation
    4. Stage of transformation

Phases of spermatogenesis

Phase of mitotic division of spermatogonia


Phase of formation of primary spermatocytes by mitotic division

32 (44+X+Y) x 2 = 64 (44+X+Y)

Phase of formation of secondary speramatocyte by meiotic division

64 (n) x2 = 128 (n) & 128 (n) x 2 = 256 (22+X or 22+Y)

Phase of formation of spermatid

256 (n) x 2 = 512 (n)

Phase of formation of spermatozoon

No further division, undergoes changes in shape and orientation of its organelles


  • Fluid ejaculated from male genital tract during orgasm
  • Contains sperm, seminal fluid & secretion from prostate & bulbo-urethral gland
  • Volume: 2.5ml - 3.5ml/ejaculation
  • Colour - White opalescent
  • Specific Gravity =1028
  • pH=7.35-7.50
  • Sperm count = 80 to100 million/ml

Endocrine function of testis

  • Leydig cells – male sex hormones – androgens
  • Sertoli cells – oestrogen, inhibin & activin
  • Andrognes
    • Testosterone
    • Androsternedione
    • Dihydrotestosterone

Functions of androgens

  • Fetal period
    • Sex differentiation in fetus and descent of testes
  • Puberty
    • External genitalia – pigmentation & enlargement
    • Accessory sex organs - enlargement of seminal vesicles and growth of prostrate
    • Development of male secondary sexual characters
    • Psyche - male pattern of sexual behavior, initiates sexual drive
    • Anabolic & growth promoting effects
    • Nitrogen retention - rapid increase in stature
  • Adults
    • Hair growth – male pattern & baldness
    • Psyche – behavioral attitudes & sexual potency
    • Bone loss & osteoporosis prevented
    • Speramtogeneisis
    • Haematopoiesis
    • Increases circulating levels of LDL
    • Regulation of gonadotropin secretion

Applied Aspects


  • Excessive secretion of male sex hormones – tumours of leydig cells
  • Charecterised by
    • Rapid growth of musculature of bones
    • Height is less due to early closure of epiphysis
    • Excessive development of sex organs and secondary sexual characters at an early age
    • Overgrowth of breasts (Gynaecomastia)

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